Special Times
Snowager Times
6 - 7 AM (NST)
2 - 3 PM (NST)
10 - 11 PM (NST)
Employment Times
Every 10 minutes starting at 12 AM
Deadly Dice Times
12 - 12:59 AM (NST)
Money Tree Times
Chocolate Giveaway - Sundays at 5:50 PM (NST)
Balthazars Mega Faerie Giveaway - Everyday at 6 AM (NST)
Muntando Fruit - Mondays at 10:45 AM (NST)
Health Food Store Giveaway - Varies
Pango Pango Tropical Giveaway - Mondays at 10:45 AM or PM
Coltzans Shrine Time
Speed: Every fifth second of the hour
Defense: Every tenth second of the hour
Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour
Endurance: Every hour of the day
Level: Every two hours
Burnt Food: 11 - 12 AM or PM (NST)
Dubloons: 55 seconds past the minute